Prof. (Dr.) Amirul Hasan Ansari
Dean (Faculty of Management Studies) Professor (Department Of Management Studies)
Department of Management Studies,
Jamia Millia Islamia,
Jamia Nagar,
New Delhi-110025
2. Office of the Finance and Accounts,
Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi-110025
M.A., M.Phil, and Ph.D. in Psychology specializing in Organisational Behaviour from AMU, Aligarh, MSW and PG.Dip. in Training & Development.
He entered to academics with national and international corporate experience. Apart from India he has stint of working in London as a Training and Education Manger. His major commitment is in teaching Organisational Behaviour; Leadership, Interpersonal and Group Dynamics; Counselling Skills and Business Research Methodology. HR Analytics is the subject of his interest. He has attended and presented research papers in various national and international seminars and conferences in India and abroad. To his credit there are a good number of publications of research papers and articles in the journals of repute. There are two books to his credit. He has supervised several Ph.D. students. He has delivered lectures not only in India but also abroad. Apart from this, he has also provided consultancy to national and international corporate in the concerned area. He has worked also on a UGC sponsored major project.
He has shouldered different academic and administrative responsibilities in various capacities.
His current research interest is focused towards issues related to emotional intelligence, knowledge management and leadership.