

University established Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) in 2015 as per the direction of the Government of India to focus on innovation and skill-oriented education in Govt. funded universities.



To develop a vibrant, sustainable ecosystem to promote innovation, nurture start-ups and incubation by integrating various professional domains for socially relevant ventures and to make a positive impact on society.



  • Establish an Incubation Centre for providing an enabling environment for Innovation, Startups, Business Incubation.
  • Cultivate an Open, Collaborative Culture of Innovation within the University Ecosystem.
  • Develop Laboratories/Infrastructure such as Design Thinking Lab, Design Prototyping Lab etc.
  • Shape bright minds for achieving excellence in Science, Technology, Arts, Architecture, and other interdisciplinary fields to create marketable new knowledge.
  • Equity Partnerships with Incubatees which is mutually beneficial.
  • Collaborate with World Class Innovators and Entrepreneurs/Institutions for furthering the innovation ecosystem in the university.

Centre for Innovation & Entrepreneurship has two units:

  • Design Innovation Centre (DIC)
  • Livelihood Business Incubator (LBI)