Capacity Building & Research For Sustainability

Capacity Building & Research for Sustainability

Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) recognizes the critical role of capacity building and research in advancing sustainable development goals and effectively implementing our policies for sustainability. This policy outlines our commitment to fostering a culture of innovation, knowledge-sharing, and continuous learning to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices.

(A) Capacity Building & Community Engagement Initiatives

Training Programs

(i) JMI through Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC) shall sensitize faculty members & staff of Jamia Millia Islamia and also other educational institutions in India by giving due coverage to sustainability topics during refresher/orientation programs organized by the centre.
(ii) MMTTC, JMI shall also engage with other departments/centres of JMI such as Department of Environment Science, Department of Geography etc. to develop and offer specialized training programs, workshops, and seminars focused on sustainability topics. These programs shall cover areas such as reducing carbon footprint, clean energy technologies, sustainable transportation, green building design, water conservation, waste management, and biodiversity conservation.

Skill Development
(i) JMI shall prioritize the development of skills and competencies related to sustainable practices among students, faculty, staff, and the local community. This includes short-term training in renewable energy systems, eco-friendly construction methods, water-efficient landscaping, waste reduction strategies, and ethical procurement practices.
(ii) JMI shall also promote knowledge sharing through seminars, conferences, webinars, publications, and online platforms dedicated to sustainable development. This will facilitate the dissemination of research findings, best practices, and lessons learned.

Community Engagement
(i) JMI shall engage with local communities to spread awareness on sustainability issues, conduct participatory research, and implement sustainable development projects such as tree plantation, cleanliness drives etc. that address community needs and priorities.

(B) Integration with Curriculum Sustainability Courses
In addition to offering relevant programs related to environment, climate change etc, JMI shall also integrate sustainability principles and practices into academic curriculum across disciplines. This includes offering courses on environmental sustainability, climate change mitigation, sustainable urban planning, renewable energy systems, green finance, and sustainable business practices, water and waste treatment, air pollution, Biodiversity, EIA, Ecology. Such courses shall be offered both at UG and PG levels under provisions made in NEP and CBCS schemes.

(C) Research for Sustainable Solutions

(i) Research Grants: JMI will establish research grants and funding opportunities to support faculty, researchers, and students in conducting innovative research projects focused on sustainability. This includes grants for studying carbon sequestration methods, renewable energy integration, sustainable transportation solutions, green building technologies, water conservation techniques, and biodiversity conservation strategies.
(ii) Interdisciplinary Research Centers: We will establish interdisciplinary research centers dedicated to sustainable development. These centers will bring together experts from various fields to collaborate on cutting-edge research, policy analysis, and technology development to address environmental challenges.
Field Studies and Demonstrations: JMI will facilitate field studies, pilot projects, and demonstrations on campus and in surrounding communities to test and showcase sustainable technologies and practices. This hands-on approach will provide practical learning experiences and real-world solutions.