Sustainable Investment

Sustainable Investment

Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) recognizes the importance of responsible and sustainable investment practices in aligning its financial activities with its commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles. This Sustainable Investment Policy outlines JMI's commitment to integrating ESG factors into its investment decisions, supporting sustainable development, and promoting positive societal and environmental impacts.

(A) Principles

ESG Integration

JMI will consider environmental, social, and governance factors in its investment decision-making processes. This includes evaluating the sustainability performance of potential investments and assessing their impact on climate change, human rights, labor standards, community relations, and corporate governance.

Long-Term Value Creation
We believe that sustainable investments contribute to long-term value creation and financial stability. JMI will seek investments that not only generate financial returns but also deliver positive societal and environmental outcomes.

(B) Investment Guidelines

Campus Sustainability Criteria
JMI considers sustainability initiatives within the university as an investment. Expenditures on such sustainability projects within the university are aimed at creating long-lasting benefits for the institution and its stakeholders. Sustainability infrastructure, such as solar panels, energy-efficient systems, water recycling facilities, green buildings, and sustainable transportation options, often result in significant cost savings over time. These savings can be considered as returns on the initial investment. Such initiatives also lead to direct cost savings reflected in operational expenses such as reduced electricity and water consumption. Investments in sustainability infrastructure yield environmental and social returns that go beyond financial gains. These include reductions in carbon footprint, conservation of natural resources, and promotion of a healthier environment.

Social & Environmental Criteria

JMI will prioritize investment in projects that are socially relevant (related to education, healthcare, affordable housing, social equity, and community development), and also projects that may be important to maintain environmental balance. Startups and other established organizations working in the area of climate change, economic progress of the marginalized communities shall be given due attention. Similarly, organizations that work towards reducing gender-gap in society, generating employment opportunities for the differently-abled, and developing technologies towards a clear environment shall be given preference.


(i) Wherever feasible, the Finance and Accounts office shall prioritize budget allocation for projects based on sustainability.
(ii) It is expected that the members of the budget allocation committee evaluate the options without any bias, influence (of any kind), and prejudices. The evaluation process shall be transparent and complete documentation is maintained.


JMI will exclude investments in projects or startups that may be harmful to society or the environment. This includes industries such as tobacco, weapons manufacturing, fossil fuels etc.

(C) Monitoring and Reporting

(i) JMI shall establish mechanisms to monitor the performance of sustainable investments and track their ESG impact over time.
(ii) JMI shall report regularly on the progress and outcomes of our sustainable investment activities, providing transparent information to stakeholders and the public.