Dr. Tawseef Majeed

Assistant Professor (Department of Design and Innovation)

Department of Design and Innovation,
Jamia Millia Islamia,
New Delhi-110025.

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Tawseef Majeed was recently awarded a practice-based PhD by AJK MCRC, Jamia Millia Islamia. His research contributes to indigenous nonfiction animation practice. He designed Animated Pae’ther, animated reconstructions and representations, of the memories of violence and trauma, especially in the context of the Kashmir conflict.
Also, he has Master’s degrees in Journalism and Psychology. Besides, he did a postgraduate course in Graphics and Animation from AJK MCRC, Jamia Millia Islamia University. Working as a video journalist got him hooked on documentary filmmaking and helped him to understand different shades of it – subjective manifestations and representation. In this context, he has presented research papers at a few national and international conferences and seminars. These podiums honed his expertise in nonfiction animation design, specializing in all the broader dimensions of 2D, 2.5D, and 3D. Besides, he is also exploring immersive media and film design, especially virtual reality (VR), mixed reality (MR) and extended reality (XR).
He worked as a video journalist and later became engaged with the documentary. Tawseef explores novel possibilities of nonfiction animation to contribute to the practice of narrative design.
He has written scholarly articles extensively on film, journalism, press freedom, animation design, Kashmir Conflict, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and social media. His research is published in reputed journals.
In 2013, he founded Aspect Media, a media production company based in Kashmir.
Innovation has always intrigued Tawseef and being an ardent art lover nurtured his passion to blend the practice of filmmaking into a precise genre of film design, Animated Pae’ther – an indigenous version of the animated documentary.
Short bio: Tawseef Majeed, an academic, explores possible innovations in narrative, film and journalism design.