
Online SWAYAM MOOC Course on Educational Psychology

The Department of Educational Studies erstwhile, Department of Foundations of Education was carved out of the Teachers College in December 1980. It began with Ph.D. (Education) and M.Ed. and since its inception it has been making constant endeavour to provide education compatible with national and international standards and requirement.

Recognizing the challenges and need of education in the country, the department continues to promote innovation through research and teaching programmes and as part of this effort, the M.Phil programme was started in 1983 to enhance the students’ engagement in conducting quality research. Significantly, barring the Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management (PGDEM) which is a self financing programme, all the other programmes in the department are research oriented. The main thrust areas of research studies are teacher education, educational management and administration, psychology of education, cognition and learning, mental health, gender education, ICT and language education.

In addition to above, with a view to keeping abreast with the emerging trends of education in the country, the department has launched 3 more programmes i.e. M.A. (Educational Planning and Administration), M.Ed. (Elementary Education) and Post Graduate Diploma in Educational Management (PGDEM). Whereas M.A. (Educational Planning & Administration) which was introduced in 1984-85 has planning and administration as its thrust area, M.Ed. (Elementary Education) programme which was launched in 1997 focuses on the complex needs of elementary education. This is an innovative teacher education programme which presents an effective blend of theory and practice.

In order to improve the quality of all programmes, the entire curriculum is revised/modified at regular interval or whenever required. Keeping this view, the curriculum of M.A (EP & A) programme of study has been revised. Apart from the four semesters course work devised for the students, an apprenticeship has been incorporated (to be under gone during summer break after second semester course work) into the programme structure. Recently, all the courses except PGDEM have been converted into Semester mode.

To bring out the holistic development of the students the department has a platform in the form of Post Graduate Educational Association (PGEA). PGEA organizes inter departmental competitions, workshops etc. for the students.

The department has also envisioned and worked out plan to seek Special Assistance Programme (SAP) from UGC during the XI Five Year Plan. The Department Research Support was granted by UGC for the period 2007-12 in the field of educational management and management to strengthen the faculty and the research base of the department. Under the DRS the department has been organizing seminars, workshops, short-term courses for Principals, Teacher Educators and Students. Well equipped computer lab and department library for the faculty and students could be established with the support of the DRS only.